Children of the Night
Limbo centers around a secluded colony of child-vampires between the ages of 4 and 120, who were all the victims of shameless adult vampires. They are led by a formidable and deeply religious ex-nurse whose destiny in life is to find these ‘lost souls’ and raise them in her colony. Through religious teachings and rituals adapted from Catholicism, and the occasional visit to local towns for blood, she prepares the children for what God had in mind for them…
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Children of the Night
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Feb 2, 2014
1h 40m
Comedy, Horror
User Score
Original Title
Production Companies
Noel Films
Iván Noel
Limbo centers around a secluded colony of child-vampires between the ages of 4 and 120, who were all the victims of shameless adult vampires. They are led by a formidable and deeply religious ex-nurse whose destiny in life is to find these ‘lost souls’ and raise them in her colony. Through religious teachings and rituals adapted from Catholicism, and the occasional visit to local towns for blood, she prepares the children for what God had in mind for them…