In a magical land known as Kumandra; Humans and Dragons co-exist in harmony. When a threat in the...
Raya and the Last Dragon
Long ago, in the fantasy world of Kumandra, humans and dragons lived together in harmony. But when an evil force threatened the land, the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity. Now, 500 years later, that same evil has returned and it’s up to a lone warrior, Raya, to track down the legendary last dragon to restore the fractured land and its divided people.
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Raya and the Last Dragon
- Overview
- Cast
- Crew
- Recommendations
Release Date
Mar 3, 2021
1h 47m
Animation, Family, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
User Score
Original Title
Raya and the Last Dragon
Production Companies
Walt Disney Pictures, Walt Disney Animation Studios
Don Hall
Long ago, in the fantasy world of Kumandra, humans and dragons lived together in harmony. But when an evil force threatened the land, the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity. Now, 500 years later, that same evil has returned and it’s up to a lone warrior, Raya, to track down the legendary last dragon to restore the fractured land and its divided people.
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'Raya and the Last Dragon' is a solid step back in the right direction for Walt Disney An...
It’s terrific to see the animated movies continuing to evolve, and “Raya and the Last Dragon” is ...
Disney, like many studios, have been under a lot of pressure to produce not only a large quantity...
Great watch, would watch again, and do recommend.
I heard a lot of noise about it being a ...
Me and the kids watched this movie, one of the latest works of Disney, the other evening. I am pl...
Introduction by Disney delivers another movie full of adv...