Anyone else think this was more an hybrid of “The Man in the Iron Mask” meets “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire”? Well with the death of Marcus Aurelius, his errant son Commodus (Mimmo Palmara) accedes the throne and launches straight into a reign of gladiatorial games and equally grand state sponsored larceny and brutality. Unbeknown to him, though, there is a twin brother who was secreted away at birth by senator “Tarrunio” (Gianni Solaro) and adopted with the name “Lucius” (Richard Harrison). In Rome, with his Praetorian prefect “Leto” (Alberto Farnese) running amok it seems that only his lover “Marcia” (Moria Orfei) might be able to rein in the new emperor, but when he cruelly gives her to his enforcer it falls to the ageing senator to send for the sibling in the hope that they can remove the tyrant before revolution brings the city to chaos and ruin. There is loads going on here with plenty of gladiatorial bouts, sword fights and action scenes to keep the pace fairly frenetic for most of the last hour of the drama. Twins they are, but there’s barely even a passing resemblance between Palmara and Harrison which is a bit of a stretch later in the film, but I don’t suppose that really mattered as this gathers an then sustains quite an entertaining swagger.