"Honey, I Shrunk the Kids" employs a large quota of traditional values which many people still unashamedly cherish and use as the corner stone in the foundation of their lives: Children, family, and friends. Of course, the children must always be the most important people in your life and they make everything worthwhile even though they often misbehave and are unappreciative and downright ungrateful at times. Unfortunately such rapidly outdated sentiments as these will undoubtedly ring hollow for many people, but in any case the miniaturised children in jeopardy here are the main focus - the backyard itself has never looked so daunting before - and their adventures are filled with varying degrees of action and danger and fun making this a solid slice of family entertainment which showcases the forementioned traditional values to illustrate what we would like life to be, so it is a shame the reality we see around us each day is completely different.