“Hector” (Karra Elejalde) is sitting idly in his new garden looking through his binoculars when he espies something odd in the woods. At a glance, it looks like something with great red eyes! Then, almost immediately, he thinks he sees a naked woman. This has to be investigated so off he goes, only to arrive and discover a body and to be stabbed by a mysterious man whose face is covered in blood-stained bandages. Who is this character? Well the scissor-wielding felon quickly heads to a remote lab in the woods where we meet “El Joven” (Nacho Vigalondo) who seems to have managed to concoct some sort of time-travelling machine and there is more than one “Hector” now doing the rounds! The young scientist is at his wits end as to what to do whilst the latest iteration of “Hector” has decided he wants to dispose of the others and use the young girl whose body started the whole thing in the first place (Bárbara Goenaga) as a lure. It’s one of those lightly comedic dramas, this, that reminded me of a “Doctor Who” series from the 1980s coupled with some quirky characters and a little naughty voyeurism! Elejalde holds it together quite entertainingly even if there are quite a few plot holes liberally sprinkled throughout - just how this all got started in the first place, for example - and it’s still quite a good fun watch that could almost be be set as a silent film to maximise the daftness of the repetitive but never quite identical scenarios as they play out. Indeed, it’s quite possible that each version of “Hector” suffers from some sort of brain-drain each time, as he definitely gets more and more dopey. It packs quite a bit into ninety minutes given it can’t have had much of a budget, so if you like your sci-fi devoid of flashy visuals and whizzy audio then you might just enjoy this. I did.