movie backdrop

22 days ago


a review by r96sk

'Buried' mostly delivers, the ending is what makes me definitively say that I had a positive time. The film does build tension nicely, it feels claustrophobic without a doubt. It is also paced competently, impressively so given its one location setting (credit to Ryan Reynolds).

The only criticism I hold is that the film makes the lead character kinda unlikeable early on, which really shouldn't be the case given it ought to be a tap-in to make you care for Paul Conroy given the plot's nature. To me, in moments, he came across more dick-y than panicked.

That kinda led me down the garden path in terms of predicting how it was going to all end, one on my (half-baked) theories was that it was going to head in a 'Butterfly on a Wheel'-esque (great movie, fwiw) direction. It didn't, of course, but the unpredictability was satisfying.

I'm perhaps being harsh or was overanalysing with the unlikability factor. Either way, it doesn't really matter all that much because I still think of this in a good way post-watch. Well worth seeing.