movie backdrop

26 days ago

The Matrix Resurrections

a review by YouShouldKnow

This a film that shouldn't have been made. I sat beside a Matrix fan who sat through Matrix 2 and Matrix 3. They couldn't sit through this one.

They made this film with the assumption watchers had seen the old ones and remembered every detail. Having watched them all myself long ago, the film is filled with references and winks to the old material and I was honestly lost. The references aren't subtle and are cut very badly into the scenes with no sense of flow.
This is done right from the start of the film and just never stops. It's like reliving an acid trip and getting shocked every once in a while to jump in and out of it.

Ignoring the references, the story is just terrible. Within 30 minutes you know how the movie will develop and (probably) end. I couldn't finish it.

Maybe this is for people who have had bad drug experiences and want to show what it's like to another person, but for me, it was not worth watching.