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29 days ago

Halloween II

a review by CinemaSerf

If you recall the conclusion of the first part (1979) then you’ll know that “Michael Myers” is now the deadliest critter alive (that’s assuming that term actually applies!). He’s certainly not forgotten “Laurie” (Jamie Lee Curtis) who’s recovering in the local hospital and luckily for him, this is a dimly lit and largely empty facility that he can wander around with relative impunity slaughtering all who come onto his path. Perhaps the only hope for the bed-ridden gal is the determined doctor “Loomis” (Donald Pleasence) who has teamed up with the sheriff (Charles Cyphers) to try to thwart this latest attempt on her life. What’s pretty clear is that this new, improved, version of “Myers” isn’t going to give up easily and that bullets and knives aren’t going to work. How to stop him? It starts off quite strongly, this film, but once the scenario switches to the hospital it becomes all a bit too stage-managed for me. The place is conveniently dark and gloomy; there is but a skeleton staff and so his rampaging is left unfettered whilst the hitherto poorly patient appears to develop live-preserving ninja skills. Also, fortunately for her her nemesis never appears to want to run anywhere so she can always make it to the timely departing elevator or the conveniently positioned window whilst he flails around robotically trying to impale her on/with something. It relies too heavily on trying to build a gradually increasing sense of peril but with has such inevitability about it that I thought it became quite sterile after about half an hour. JLC doesn’t really feature so much and the only real screaming that goes on here is that which suggests sequel. It’s watchable enough, but hasn’t the creepiness of the first one and most of his victims probably deserved their fates!