Waste of time. Don't waste yours
The good bits:
- Filmed in Scotland, in Edinburgh;
- you get to hear the accent (and twinkle of Scots even).
The so-so bits:
- Yet another gruesome-serial-killer yarn. The "twist" isn't new either.
- Experienced actors (not just the two internationally known ones on the movie poster) earning their pay.
The bad: plot and direction
- a non-thrilling "thriller".
- There is no "aha moment", and even if you didn't the resolution coming miles away, it was lacking tension.
- and the actors seem not to have been directed much beyond saying their lines, so it's very uneven in acting quality.
- gruesome murder scenes and corpses without use. Some people may get their kicks from such things, but it provided no benefit to the story.
The worst:
- uneven pacing
- overlong in many places, the story overstays its welcome
Yet another waste of talent, money, time, and potential.