movie backdrop

about 11 hours ago

When Harry Met Sally...

a review by kevin2019

"When Harry Met Sally..." stubbornly insists upon trawling through some of the most sleep inducing and mind numbing banalities of an existence imaginable and the inconsequential nonsense it finds there has been lovingly woven into an equally nonsensical film which relates one couple's endlessly tedious journey to true happiness. The film incorporates a lot of opinions along the way which are being rapidly outmoded by fast moving modern trends in a world where quaint words such as chivalry and romance have been replaced by casual sex and instant gratification. The desperate attempts at humour successfully fail to raise even a smile and even though you know Harry and Sally are meant to be together you really don't care and when they do eventually sleep together the only reason you take an interest then is because it must mean the film is ending soon and you will be released back into the big bad city and be able to return home again sure in the knowledge it is 96 minutes of your life completely wasted.