movie backdrop

about 2 months ago


a review by sirdorius

Simply terrible. I'm not a fan of the whole tens of improbable bad events happening in sequence genre, but this is just taking it to a whole other level.

The protagonist just presses random buttons and is so incompetent you wonder how she even became an astronaut. The physics and orbital mechanics in this movie make absolutely zero sense. One example out of the hundreds: it's highly improbable that the ISS and Tiangong would be within viewing distance of one another. And if they were they wouldn't stay that way for the roughly 2 hours the movie lasts, since they had very different inclinations. It would be impossible to reach one from the other with a single thrust designed for landing, even more impossible with manual controls. The first couple attempted rendezvous in history were from distances of 5 km (not the 100 in the movie) and failed, even though the pilots were clearly more competent than the protagonist here. There are so many errors here, I wouldn't be surprised if the Earth was flat (at least it would make the movie funny). This isn't just nitpicking since the movie tries to be realistic, but fails miserably.

Sure, the CGI is nice, but that's hardly a selling point in this day and age (or when the movie launched)