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about 1 month ago

Kraven the Hunter

a review by MovieGuys

I know this film has attracted a lot of criticism but I personally don't think "Kraven, The Hunter" is a bad film.

Firstly, this is a fresh, down to earth, departure from your standard Marvel Franchise films.Idiots in over bright Lycra or Spandex outfits, are, thankfully, absent.

Instead, you get a more conventional, satisfyingly believable, character. One who happens to be have been given special powers, that feel primal and earthy, compared, for example, to hammers and lighting bolts.

Actions reasonable too, with settings I could relate to and a story that's well told, if unsurprisingly, somewhat formulaic.

In summary, one of the better Marvel universe franchise films. One I actually largely enjoyed watching, in spite of my initial reservations. Worth a look.