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about 1 month ago

The Apprentice

a review by Brent Marchant

In the interest of full disclosure, originally I had not intended to watch this film, a decision I’ll freely admit was governed by my politics, especially after reading several mistaken early reviews claiming that the picture presented a “sympathetic” look at its protagonist (a conclusion that, in hindsight, truly escapes me). However, I changed my mind after hearing about the recently announced Oscar nominations bestowing accolades on Sebastian Stan for lead actor and Jeremy Strong for supporting actor for their performances in this picture. And it was through that viewing experience that I realized I should not have let my politics get in the way of my screening decisions. Director Ali Abbasi’s fourth feature outing is truly one of 2024’s surprise stand-outs, one that certainly deserves more attention and recognition than it has received. This “origin story” about the meteoric rise of New York real estate mogul Donald Trump (Stan) in the 1970s and 80s candidly illustrates how he became the individual he is today under the tutelage of lawyer Roy Cohn (Strong), the infamous, underhanded political fixer who rose to prominence as Sen. Joseph McCarthy’s “trusted” associate during the 1950s Congressional anti-Communist hearings. Cohn, a man who would stop at virtually nothing to get his way for himself and his clients, groomed his impressionable apprentice on how to do the same for himself in business and in life, developments chronicled here in unreserved detail. In that sense, then, one could probably best characterize this offering as “instructive” about the nature of the man who went on to be elected to a second term as President, despite his many obvious and highly public failings. This story is brought to life thanks to the superb (and largely overlooked) screenwriting of Gabriel Sherman in only his second feature film outing, along with the picture’s fine editing, spot-on period piece production design, and outstanding performances of its two principals, particularly Strong. While the film indeed presents an excellent depiction of Trump’s apprenticeship in the business world, it could have been stronger when examining his personal life, particularly his stormy courtship of and arm’s-length marriage to wife Ivana (Maria Bakalova) and his rocky relationship with his family, both of which could have used some bolstering. Nevertheless, “The Apprentice” genuinely is one of the year’s best releases. It’s just a shame that more viewers didn’t see it before the last election.