movie backdrop

about 1 month ago

'Transformers: The Last Knight' is normal service resumed. I shockingly loved watching the prior 'Transformers: Age of Extinction', no idea how but I truly did. This sequel, however, is more akin to those other movies in the franchise, it's minutely better than - but still as bad as - series worst 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon'.

It's another entry that lasts for just short of 150 minutes, which is again too long. You do have to respect how much the filmmakers fit into such long run times though, like (bar last time) it's mostly all underwhelming but you can't exactly say there are any proper lull moments in there.

The whole English knights construction of a plot here just went through one ear and out the other, admittedly these flicks are nonsensical as it is so I guess this overly entwined plot does feel right at home. On the cast, Mark Wahlberg isn't as fun, though I did mildly enjoy Anthony Hopkins.

I still don't get truly annoyed by these movies, even though I properly should. I think it's because there is an essence of the flat-out action that I can find enjoyment in, so things never truly get mind-numbingly dull. With that said, they are most certainly disappointing films (usually).