movie backdrop

about 2 months ago


a review by FleshWound

Who doesn't love a good Liam Neeson film? Well... This film is a shallow, forgettable attempt at a thrilling espionage movie. The script is a dissatisfying mix of over-explanation and fanfictionesque prose with a healthy dose of woke undertones that'll have you rolling your eyes at the over-the-top typecasting. You're never given a reason to really care about any of the characters, who feel like more like caricatures than actual characters. The climactic fight scene was the one good part of the film, but can't redeem everything around it. Neeson's age shows throughout the film as he hobbles around, struggling to run for the entire movie. The plot amounts to guy-think-he-on-good-side-but-maybe-he-on-bad-side! Don't waste your time.