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about 1 month ago

'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps' falls short of its predecessor, even though it is still satisfactory. It does have issues, for example it overruns and has some ill-fitting editing. The original had top (+ better) performances but wasn't fully reliant on the cast, this is more so.

It's cool to see Michael Douglas reprise his role, the same can be for that rather fan service-y moment in the middle of the film. Shia LaBeouf, Josh Brolin and Carey Mulligan are positive new faces and give enough, even if I've seen greater from each one of them in other productions.

This 2010 sequel isn't as much about Wall Street as the first flick, which I think is a mistake. Of course there is plenty in there about it, but to me it felt much more about Gekko and his personal life - which isn't quite as interesting to watch unfold across 120+ minutes.