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about 2 months ago


a review by RalphRahal

Next (2007) starts with an exciting premise that immediately hooks you. Nicolas Cage plays Cris Johnson, a man with the unique ability to see a few minutes into his future. The first act delivers on the concept, balancing intrigue and action with some fun moments where his abilities shine. It sets the stage for something big, and you can feel the potential brimming as the story begins to unfold.

However, as the second act progresses, the movie starts to lose its way. The momentum slows, and while there are still moments of brilliance, like a few thought-provoking quotes about beauty and perception, it feels like the film is more focused on reaching a predetermined conclusion than fully exploring the depth of Cris' abilities or the psychological impact they have on him and others. The performances from Cage and Jessica Biel are enjoyable, and their chemistry works well enough to carry the more personal scenes, even when the script feels underdeveloped.

Despite its flaws, Next still has moments that stick with you, and the ending adds an unexpected twist that makes you reflect on what came before. While the movie doesn't quite deliver on its full potential, it remains an entertaining watch if you enjoy high-concept sci-fi thrillers. It's the kind of film that leaves you wondering how much better it could have been with a stronger focus on character depth and the world-building around its unique concept.