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about 2 months ago

Escape Room

a review by RalphRahal

Escape Room (2019) kicks off with an intriguing premise that instantly hooks you. The movie thrives on its creative and visually impressive room designs, with each puzzle adding layers of tension and suspense. It’s fast-paced and keeps you entertained throughout, making it an enjoyable watch for fans of thrillers and puzzle-based challenges. However, the emotional connection with the characters feels thin, which slightly dampens the impact of the stakes. You’ll root for their survival but probably won’t remember much about them once the credits roll.

The ending, while tying into the sequel, leaves you with a sense of incompleteness, an all-too-common trend in franchise filmmaking that can feel tiresome. Sometimes, you just want a self-contained story that offers closure without setting up the next installment. That said, the movie is still fun for what it is, especially if you’re not expecting deep storytelling. It’s a visually engaging, suspenseful ride that’s worth watching, even if it doesn’t leave a lasting emotional impression