'Superman IV: The Quest for Peace' isn't one I'll be filing anywhere near 'good', though it is at least a minimal improvement on III and 'Supergirl'. It has a pleasantly short run time of just under 90 minutes and features a plot that I didn't find totally terrible.
Christopher Reeve stars as Superman for the final time, to as decent effect as you'd expect. Gene Hackman makes a return as Lex Luthor, to my support - I think he's the one I'll remember most from these films, aside from the main guy obviously. It's not Hackman on top form, but still solid enough.
Overall though, I didn't get the required entertainment. I do think it starts better than it finishes, the end noticeably drags. One big reason for that is the Nuclear Man character. Any time he appears, I was uninterested. The 'switching' in front of Lois Lane is also extremely repetitive by this point.
A blessing for all involved that this era of Superman concluded here. Now to see what they did for 2006's 'Superman Returns', a movie I'm a little surprised didn't cross my path as a kid to be honest; as the Spiderman flicks from those years did. Maybe I'll find out why!