This eponymous blue ericaceous critter can run like the wind and then turn himself into a projectile that can pack quite a punch. This isn't so normal on his home planet of "Mobius" so he is despatched to the more peaceable climes of Earth where he will hopefully just settle in. Despite the fact that there isn't exactly a surfeit of blue hedgehogs on this planet, he seems to fit into his small town American society and befriends "Tom" (James Marsden) readily enough. Being young and enthusiastic, he hasn't quite mastered his powers and when he let's loose accidentally one evening, Uncle Sam has to investigate. For that task, they bring in the scientist "Dr. Robotnik" (Jim Carrey). He quickly discovers the source of the problem and immediately realises that he might be able to put this to great use empowering his own army of menacing, laser-firing, gadgets that will help him to take over the world. The characterisation of "Sonic" here is quite fun, buzzing around all over the place with a congenial attitude and helped by a well meaning human who treats him more like a son than a spiny pet. There's also loads of action going on and it rarely sits still for long enough for us to get bored. Carrey, on the other hand, just reminded me of Terry-Thomas, only without the mischievous charm - I always found he over-egged his performances; there's just too much prattle and towards the end it starts to become just a little too cloying as the adventures start to give way to sentiment. Like so many films about visitors from another planet, though, it reminds you that if they ever do come, maybe the USA is not the friendliest place for them to arrive! It's nothing really very original, but it passes an hour and an half amiably enough.