Or perhaps it ought to be called "Night of the Slow Burn"? It's all set on a sweltering island whose residents can't quite figure out why it's so hot there yet snowing on the adjacent mainland. That question might be answered by visiting, and rather grumpy, scientist "Hanson" (Christopher Lee) who is staying at the local pub owned by writer "Jeff" (Patrick Allen) and his wife "Frankie" (Sarah Lawson). Just to add to the mystery, a new secretary arrives and it's fairly clear that "Angela" (Jane Merrow) and her boss have some extra-curricular history so the temperature is rising metaphorically too. "Hanson" has a theory - but it's so very fantastic that nobody believes him until the local doctor "Stone" (Peter Cushing) goes to investigate some strange noises, lights and glowing rocks. Might this be just be something volcanic or might it be something more menacing, yet? It livens up a little at the end, but the majority of this is just a rather weakly plodding soap opera with Cushing barely featuring, Lee largely sitting out the first half of the film altogether and the rest of the plot centring around the love lives of the locals. It's only ninety minutes but it did feel quite a bit longer as it took far too long to drag itself into the sci-fi zone I was looking for in the first place. It was rated "X", but suffice to say that's got nothing at all to do with it's horror factor. Disappointing and forgettable, this, sorry.