movie backdrop

3 months ago

Gladiator II

a review by GenerationofSwine

pssst.... it's woke, but that's no surprise.

What is a surprise is that people are giving spoiler alerts. I don't understand why. Like so many movie squeals and reboots what you have here is Gladiator with everything intelligent and entertaining sucked out of it. So it's the same movie, but shorter. There are two emperors rather than ones. Rome is falling, but not from the debauchery, intellectual laziness, and over stretched militarism that really caused it's fall... that would be anti-woke to point out it collapsed for all the reasons they love. Instead some lazy leftism the right is evil crap, peppered with fiery but mostly peaceful protests blamed on the thinly veiled reference to Trump. Might as well have the baddies wear red hats that read "Make Rome Great Again."

With lectures. And I don't need to go over the political lectures, they are all the same. Woke Hollywood is predictable and best described as "The Who to Hate Network."

The worst part is Denzel, I mean I know he still needs to work, but come on man, you're better than this.