First things first - remember that when this was made, script writers were not noted for much delicacy when it came to the use of some of the more pejorative of descriptors. At times, indeed, the dialogue is positively puerile. Clint Eastwood is an art professor with quite a collection amassed from funds he received from his career as an "official" hit man. His erstwhile boss - the albino "Mr Dragon" coaxes him out of retirement with a large sum of money and the promise that he will get to avenge the death of his old pal. As the title suggests, it has a mountaineering theme as he and his friend "Ben" (George Kennedy) try to find out which member of a climbing team up the Eiger is the culprit. It all takes way too long to get going, this film - and aside from the aforementioned brushes with stereotyping that makes early "James Bond" films look enlightened, there really isn't enough going on. There is some effective altitude photography as they climb, and some sense of peril does creep in towards the end, but for the most part it's all just a little bit wordy and flat.