movie backdrop

5 months ago


a review by Felicity

It's a re-imagined re-telling of an old whodunit.

It's a decent movie if taken on its own merits.

Every movie about historical events needn't be 100 percent factual. Creative license allows for historical accuracy to be bent or even broken.

Kinda like with Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter. Were salient details about our 16th president's life left out of the history books?

We know Borden and his wife were hacked to death and no one was ever convicted. If Lizzie did it and got away with it, how could we know? Every fact can't possibly be known by anyone who wasn't present, either physically or by way of an audio or video recording of some kind.

This is precisely HOW someone could have gotten away with murder in the 1800s.

Good for you Lizzie. Good for you.