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5 months ago

The Crow

a review by MovieGuys

WOW this is awful. I remember the original Crow film with Brandon Lee (who sadly passed away making the film), which was reasonable but this so called remake, is, simply put, a cinematic train wreck.

Eric (The Crow) is, it seems, not really the main character (he's elbowed aside by his drug addict, criminally linked, ex prostitute girlfriend). Apparently Eric, not to be entirely outdone however, is also a drug addict. Both he and the upcoming love interest attend a drug rehab centre, where everyone dresses like extra's from a Pink Panther movie. Oh and poor Eric's a wuss, who's bullied until he and his lady friend escape, have a tryst and are promptly croaked by some bad guys, who are after his dodgy lady friend. At this point and for reasons that seem, to say the least, far fetched, Eric is resurrected, as a mostly inept, anti hero tasked with seeking revenge.

Suffice to say, this remake is filled with characters who are deeply unlikable and a central plot that's not only weak tea but make's little rational sense. Backed by a so called love story, that's about as appetising, as a two week old bowl of clam chowder.

In summary, the original The Crow film from way back when is a cinematic masterpiece, when compared to this dismal retake. In my opinion, one to avoid.