There were quite a few westerns made that featured famous actors - one in blue, the other in grey, having to work together after the end of the American Civil war. This one pitches Charlton Heston as the eponymous leader of a troop tasked with bringing to heel some Apache who are raiding from Mexico. When I say troop, I really mean a disparate bunch of ill-disciplined ne'er-do-wells, and only the strength of character of Heston and his Confederate opposite number "Tyreen" (Richard Harris) is going to get them across the border to tackle their formidable foe. Oh - and this whole thing is illegal... What now ensues is quite an engaging battle of personalities between Harris and Heston, with a good ensemble effort from the likes of James Coburn, Slim Pickens and Jim Hutton, that delivers an episodic style adventure movie with little jeopardy but plenty of action, quippy dialogue and some big hitting actors. It's a bit on the long side, it takes a while to heat up, but when it does there is plenty to keep it moving along apace. Not great, nor is this anyone's best work, but the cinematography is grand and the story is good.