movie backdrop

6 months ago


a review by MovieGuys

Over the years I'd say my personal opinion of M. Night Shyamalan‘s work, is somewhat mixed.

Trap however, leaves no room for compromise. In my opinion, its simply poor. Why? Its scripting and associated characterisations, lack depth and intelligence.

Okay, the idea of a setting an elaborate trap for a serial killer, in a concert, is interesting.Yet, in spite of the fact the main character is apparently a highly successful, if that's the right word, cold and calculating killer, who has, thus far, evaded capture, then why does he behave like a clumsy amateur?

The ensuing litany of naff moves by our anti hero, combined with ham fisted plot twists and turns, leads to a tale that doesn't ring true or make a lot of rational sense. Suffice to say Trap is a disappointing watch, that quickly squanders any currency, it might have had.

Its a shame too, as there are definite upsides. Production values are above average, there are no issues with the quality of acting and a credible performance, as the concerts lead singer, is handed in Shyamalan‘s daughter. Its not my kind of music but its clear, she's genuinely talented.

In summary, strong production values, acting and performances, don't make up for a clumsy, less than subtle script, that left this reviewer feeling underwhelmed, by this ultimately dull, psychological thriller.