movie backdrop

6 months ago


a review by tmdb51616167

Recently, I decided to watch the movie Warcraft on Netflix, as it was trending in the top 10 for the week. I thought I'd give it a chance, even though it was a film I never had any desire to see in theaters.

To my disappointment, Warcraft turned out to be a jumbled mess. The storyline was all over the place, lacking any substance to keep me invested. It felt more like a movie made for a streaming service rather than a theatrical release.

The characters were either unbelievable or poorly done with excessive CGI and sloppy editing. They looked so artificial that it was hard to connect with them, almost like watching a low-budget video game adaptation rather than a true movie based on a game.

One major distraction was the inconsistent portrayal of the creatures and characters. While the men were depicted as giants, the women appeared as regular humans or even dwarfs. The plot involving a Lady turning traitor on both sides only added to the confusion, making the already lengthy film feel like it dragged on unnecessarily.

Overall, Warcraft was a disappointing experience that I wished I had never subjected myself to. It was a chaotic and unenjoyable movie that I couldn't wait to escape from.