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6 months ago


a review by TheSceneSnobs

This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. To preface, I want to clarify that I know nothing about the Borderlands video games—I’ve never played them, and I have no bias against them. However, I approached this movie with some trepidation, knowing Eli Roth's track record with handling other IPs has been less than stellar.

From the outset, Borderlands feels like a blatant attempt to rip off Guardians of the Galaxy. The influence is undeniable, but Roth clearly missed what made Guardians so special. Borderlands is one dance-off scene short of being a direct copy, but even if Roth had included a dance-off, he probably would have cast an Australian Olympic breakdancer—an ill-fitting choice emblematic of how off-target this film is.

The movie throws the audience into a barrage of nonsensical twists and turns that lack coherence or purpose. The narrative seems to be constantly shifting, yet never in a way that feels organic or meaningful. The lack of a coherent plot makes it difficult to stay invested, and the film quickly becomes tedious.

Another glaring issue is the film's failure to create any meaningful connection between its main characters. In Guardians of the Galaxy, the chemistry among the team is a driving force, making their adventures feel both exciting and emotionally resonant. In contrast, Borderlands completely misses this mark. The characters are paper-thin, with little to no development, and their interactions lack the spark needed to make the audience care about their journey.

Visually, the film also disappoints. The aesthetic choices, from the set design to the visual effects, fail to create a compelling or immersive world. The film’s attempt to capture the wild, chaotic energy of the Borderlands universe falls flat, resulting in a bland and uninspired visual experience.

Overall, Borderlands is a truly boring movie, devoid of character development, narrative coherence, or visual appeal. It’s a film that not only fails to honor the spirit of its source material but also fails to stand on its own as an entertaining piece of cinema. Eli Roth’s attempt to capture the magic of Guardians of the Galaxy is misguided and ultimately unsuccessful, resulting in a forgettable and frustrating experience. This movie serves as a reminder that simply mimicking successful formulas without understanding what makes them work is a recipe for disaster.