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6 months ago

Avatar: The Way of Water

a review by @that_movie_geek

I don't mind the repetition of the first movie's plot. To be frank, I couldn't care less. I've only ever watched these movies for the visuals.

But the part of the story that rubbed me the wrong way the most in this movie, Is Neytiri. Home girl is basically non-existent and unimportant up until the movie's finale when she, like a boss, battered and severely fucks up some of the human soldiers.

But during the rest of the movie, she is reduced as a character to give room for Jake Sully's "father of the year" decision making throughout the movie. Like the writers really wanted to give Jake a "good father" story arc; he's the defender, protector, man of the household type shit. Like it's honestly giving 50s housewife and her only job is to bare Jake's kids and raise them while daddy Jake is busy alpha male-ing around. Don't even get me started on that.

Like from the first movie, I still don't understand why they let a literal outsider just be the head of their tribe. Again, Neytiri would have been more qualified. She is literally a more skilled fighter that Jake and is the most capable in their tribe as well as the fact that she is just naturally an alpha. It's just a fact proven time and time again. But it is never shed light on because of Jake's plot armor, and let me tell you it is strong. Like if he wasn't the white savior of the movie, he would have ended up like Tsu'tey, Neytiri's brother, and that's just facts.

Overall, besides it's underlying sexist demeanors and tones, not a one hundred percent terrible movie though I personally won't probably watch it again if I don't have to due to the ick I have with the "main character", but give it a watch. You'll probably like it more than me.

My favorite part of the movie by the way is when the whales. My least favorite part of the movie is when Neytiri is not on screen besides when the whales.

These are just my two cents, if you don't agree just simply take your eyes elsewhere.