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7 months ago

Clouds of Sils Maria

a review by badelf

“We're not allowed to regret anything. If we're sincere, then we're the sum total of our experiences ... with no exceptions.”

Art and Reality - one imitates the other. But which is the imitator and which is the creator? That invisible thread between art and reality is the heart of this film. Olivier Assayas has created a complex, intelligent, layered psychological drama, where the "stage script" and the film are connected by the gossamer art-reality thread. Juliette Binoche and Kristen Stewart delivered masterful performances with all the nuances required to bring Assayas' vision to life.

The first third of the movie appeared to be bland, disjointed, and even on the edge of ennui. At the end, I realized the brilliance of this work that, in fact, there were no unnecessary scenes.