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7 months ago

Babette's Feast

a review by Wuchak

The moment when “Mercy and truth… have kissed each other”

In a northern Jutland village, two daughters of a pietistic Lutheran pastor are dutiful spinsters by 1871 (Bodil Kjer and Birgitte Federspiel) when they take-in a Parisian refugee who “can cook” (Stéphane Audran). Fourteen years later, the latter insists on banquet for the dwindling congregation and a Hussar general, a former suiter of one of the sisters from decades earlier (Jarl Kulle).

A Danish production, “Babette’s Feast” (1987) was based on the short story by Isak Dinesen, aka Karen Blixen, who’s also known as the author of “Out of Africa.” I point that out because this has the same quietly dramatic tone, just transplanted to a family of ascetic rural Protestants in 1800’s Denmark.

To enjoy this, you have to be in the mood for period drama along the lines of “Mysteries” (1978) or “Mayflower: The Pilgrims' Adventure” (1979). This is even more mundane and subtle than those, but it’s rich with underlying meaning, such as two opposing things meeting at the table of the true artist for respite, e.g. worldly disillusionment and stiff pietism, Protestant and Catholic, upper-class and lower-class, the experienced and the naïve, bickering congregant and fellow congregant, older self and younger self, etc.

I said the movie was subtle, and it is, that is until the third act when a couple of bits are laid on too thick. But, man, I loved the part about loving someone every day, decade after decade, even though you can’t physically be together for one reason or another.

It's at least 20 minutes overlong at 1 hour, 42 minutes. And was shot in Denmark with the village located at Vigsø, Thisted Kommune.