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8 months ago

Madame Web

a review by TheSceneSnobs

Watching this film, I couldn't shake the feeling that the script was written by AI. The story, themes, and dialogue all feel utterly soulless. The lifeless acting only compounds the problem, making the entire experience miserable.

The story lacks any genuine emotion or creativity. It's as if the writers followed a formula without injecting any passion or originality into the script. The central conflict, which should be gripping and engaging, instead feels generic and uninspired.

The dialogue is another significant issue. It’s stilted and unnatural, failing to convey any real depth or nuance. Characters speak in clichés and empty platitudes, making it hard to believe in their struggles or motivations.

The acting is equally disappointing. The cast delivers their lines with the enthusiasm of kids forced to do chores, contributing to the film's lifeless feel. This lack of energy and commitment can be attributed to both the actors and the director.

Comparing this film to Roger Corman's infamous Fantastic Four movie might seem harsh, but it's a fitting analogy. Both films suffer from poor execution and a lack of soul. However, this film arguably fares worse due to its complete absence of engaging elements. To salvage such a project, the filmmakers would need to infuse genuine emotion into the script and inspire more compelling performances from the cast.

This film is a prime example of how not to craft a sci-fi narrative. Its soulless script, lifeless acting, and overall lack of direction make it a difficult watch. Audiences deserve more than a formulaic, uninspired story; they deserve a film that engages and excites on every level.