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8 months ago


a review by TheSceneSnobs

Tarot was a terrible horror movie from start to finish. It’s another low-budget studio horror film that relies heavily on formulaic tropes, stacking one cliché after another in a convoluted story that makes no sense.

The plot is riddled with the usual horror clichés, making it predictable and uninspiring. For instance, the film features the classic haunted object, the mysterious stranger, and the inevitable jump scares. These elements, rather than building suspense or adding depth, only serve to make the narrative feel tired and unoriginal. The lack of creativity in the storyline means that even potential twists are telegraphed far in advance, leaving little room for genuine suspense.

The only bright spot in the film is Jacob Batalon, who adds some much-needed comedy to the otherwise dreary proceedings. His comedic timing provides brief relief from the monotony and gives the audience something to enjoy amidst the chaos but does little to improve the movie.

Even the horror elements, which should be the film’s strength, are poorly executed. The scare scenes are predictable and lack the punch necessary to leave a lasting impact. The build-up to these moments is often clumsy, with telegraphed scares that fail to deliver the desired jolt.

On The Scene Snobs Channel, we believe that if you don't like a movie, you should recommend another. If you are not a fan of Tarot, I suggest watching 'Dead Silence' from 2007. This film offers a more engaging and original take on horror, with a well-crafted story and genuinely creepy moments.