movie backdrop

2 months ago

Whilst Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is a competent and moderately entertaining addition to the franchise, I do wonder if there really was a need to make it?

Kingdom (as I'll refer to it) is entertaining but it really does little, in this reviewers estimation, to move the franchise forward in a meaningful way. Its story is rather formulaic and you do quickly feel like you have "seen it all before", in one form or another.

Having said this, I do not think Kingdom is a bad film. That would be unfair. Its CGI is top notch, as I said its story is basic but it does work, with well paced, varied action. Commendably, they even managed a little human/ape interest, which lifts the characters beyond being mere, cardboard cut outs.

In summary, entertaining, watchable but really as far as I can see, nothing new is on offer here, either. Perhaps I'm being a little harsh but it would be nice, to see some genuine originality from Hollywood. They could do it once, why not now?