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8 months ago

Bad Boys: Ride or Die

a review by r96sk

For a fourth outing, 'Bad Boys: Ride or Die' still finds a way to produce the goods.

I enjoyed what I watched. The previous installment remains the clear standout of the series comparatively speaking, though I was pleased to see this one still deliver the nessacary entertainment; it's perhaps my second favourite from the franchise. It does have flaws of course, like I'd say it's more serious than humourous and the more sincere stuff doesn't always hit as intended; especially the bits about Howard.

Still, there's enough positive humour in there. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence continue to please in the lead roles, they are a great match. The rest of the cast are all decent enough, Ioan Gruffudd plays what feels like a typical Ioan Gruffudd character well. Jacob Scipio, meanwhile, is pretty solid.

I will say, though, that Rhea Seehorn is underused - she's way too good for these sorta bit part roles! There are also cameo-esque appearances from Tiffany Haddish and DJ Khaled, which sounds bad on paper but, actually, both of their scenes are actually quite amusing! Away from those onscreen, camera work and editing are both pluses.

Do we need a fifth 'Bad Boys' film? No. Would I watch a fifth 'Bad Boys' film? Yes. Yes I would.