movie backdrop

10 months ago


a review by Sejian

Can't have a movie with people of color or women anymore without someone being racist and sexist.

That being said, this movie is... well, it's not the worst thing I've seen but that doesn't make it good either.

The premise is a group of young adults go playing with tarot cards that don't belong to them and then the tarot cards come to life and start doing the murder because curses and vengeful spirits, also horoscopes and astrology are all the rage again, apparently.

There's nothing new or original here and apart from one jump scare that got me, it's quite boring. There's one redeeming thing about this movie - it doesn't sequel-bait. It ends with some comedy and that's it. Thank goodness.

I skipped watching The First Omen (2024) after about 25 minutes to watch this. I should've skipped this too and just watched another episode of FBI.

Can we get some actual good horror this year?