movie backdrop

10 months ago

Mad Max

a review by r96sk

The action is stupendous, but the rest is a bit of a drag.

When the attackers be attacking it's all great to watch, like I got a lot of entertainment from seeing Toecutter's gang do their thing; and vice-versa with the MFP, really. However, the film kinda goes through peaks and troughs in switching from the action to the more mundane and the latter parts did bore me a little.

The characters of Max and Jessie do act noticeably dumb in bits too, I don't necessarily mind that as the whole movie is silly and all those onscreen chew the heck out of the scenery. But it does get a bit annoying to watch, I can't lie. I do like how much extra the characters act in general, though.

The whole 90 minutes of 'Mad Max' are over the top completely, but it does fit for the majority. I just wanted wall-to-wall overexuberant action, rather than that sprinkled amongst some fairly dull attempted storytelling. Still, I am looking forward to viewing the sequels/spin-offs, particularly those modern-day releases.