movie backdrop

11 months ago

The other 2 star / 40% review of this movie is on point. The Lost World: Jurassic Park sucks on so many levels.

I had Jurassic Park 1 on repeat for nearly 24 hours and every time I sat down I had a laugh or a feeling of awe or excitement. Jurassic Park 1 is truly a marvel. Apart from the squealing, the characters are well written and well acted. The casting is amazing, even the kids, and it's so WOKE I oughta give it a 10/10. Actually, I think I will.

This time around it's all trash.

Malcolm returns but the off-putting charisma that made him "beloved" is dulled. The kids return for a cameo but get replaced by Malcolm's daughter who... exists like Stacker Pentecost's son apparently exits in Pacific Rim. She does basically nothing for the majority of the movie. I'm not one to hate on kids unless they're insufferable but she kinda embodies the reaction I had throughout this movie, which is "this is pointless". Pointless movie, nothing happens, sure some folks get nommed but no one cares because they're all kinda stupid and useless except for the first guy who gets nommed who I'm almost certain mentioned the Rexes left the area.

I've never seen Julianne Moore smile so much. Her character, Sarah, is fine up until Sarah and Nick do the "no good deed" with a lot of unnecessary stupid that results in the events of this movie.

Unlike the normal fare, I don't have an issue with women or feminism so her little quip about not needing Malcolm to save her at the start of the movie before everything goes awry doesn't phase me. She went there not expecting events to unfold the way they did, and by events I mean Ludlow.

Anyway, back on topic. There isn't much else to say except just re-watch Jurassic Park 1 five times and you'll likely have a better time than watching any of the five sequels.

P.S.: Can anyone explain the ship? Anyone at all? I know what the script says was supposed to happen but that's not what we get in the movie and the movie makes no sense whatsoever.

4/10 is too generous for this trash. I should reduce my rating. This was so disappointing after watching Jurassic Park 1 on repeat over the course of 24 hours.