movie backdrop

10 months ago

Madame Web

a review by JPV852

Is Madame Web the worst superhero movie ever made? Not by a longshot as Superman IV, Batman & Robin and Supergirl would take a front seat in that department. Now the argument can be made it's the worst in the modern era of superhero movies, though personally it's "better" than Suicide Squad but even that one had costumed heroes in it versus MW which only had maybe a few minutes of the ladies in their costumes and even then, it's via future visions.

Beyond that, nothing really works. The direction, even with the twisty-turny camera movements felt familiar as I'm pretty sure I've seen it done before but minimally. The performances from everyone was either bland, Dakota Johnson especially, or downright awful (Tahar Rahim), not helped by the stilted and oft atrocious dialogue from no less than four writers, two of which were responsible for Morbius.

I didn't hate Madame Web more so that I found it downright dull and boring. There's no reason to watch this and with the terrible box office, the last line of "And you know the best thing about the future? It hasn't happened yet" is pretty poignant. 2.0/5