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11 months ago

Bound by Honor

a review by Chandler Danier

First off, if you learn all the Spanish in this movie, you will be the coolest motherfucker in the world. Just like Miklo. Blonde, blue eyed but the Latines accept him in to their hearts. Gringo version of the gaijin dream. Not even Tom Cruise could be Japanese, though. The Latine culture is just so much more welcoming!

This movie is called Blood in Blood out. It is not called Bound By Honor. Stupid name. The act of swearing blood oaths is honour-based. Blood In. Blood Out. But then it doesn't really mean a blood oath. But it kind of is. It's a very good title.

It's long. Good god is it long. But I enjoyed it. Laughed a bit. Intense shit happens. Amazing Spanish. Vatos Locos, baby. I want to be in a gang now...but I'm old and from a small mountain town and only had 2 channels. I could be in a gang but I'm not really drawn to the life in a meaningful way.

I hope that tamale place and tree are still there.

Blood in...blood ouuuuut!!!