This is the worst movie I've seen since Freddy Got Fingered. So much worse than even I was expecting, that despite being a massive fan of Sookie from Gilmore Girls, I can no longer watch McCarthy without nauseating flashbacks of this movie. If you're any level of nerd and fan of this franchise, this will feel like the movie equivalent of meangirls locking you in your gym locker and cackling at you for being a Ghostbusters fan. Devoid of inspiration, creative premise, script polishing with anything other than sewage, or even the simple courtesy of regard for the VAST fanbase of this iconic franchise, this colostomy bag rupture of a movie was SO heavy-handed and awkward, it made me physically squirm in discomfort, and unable to watch more than five minutes at a time without pausing to let the nausea abate. You could be forgiven for thinking this must be a porn parody of Ghostbusters 1, if it wasn't for the conspicuous lack of anything attractive to look at. I can honestly say without a shred of doubt that I would rather be forced to watch Serbian Movie with my eyes taped open, than have to sit through any part of this crime against the Ghostbusters franchise, ever again.