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10 months ago

Kong: Skull Island

a review by r96sk

Really good movie!

Some editing and musical (same-y tracks, exact same utilization each time) choices aside, 'Kong: Skull Island' is entertaining. Kong looks great, Skull Island is brought to life pretty neatly. The action sequences and visual effects are done to a positive standard. The near 2hr run time is paced well too.

Tom Hiddleston and Brie Larson are a strong match, with John C. Reilly the best of the rest. Samuel L. Jackson's character is a little underwhelming, though Jackson manages to make Preston Packard more memorable than most others actors would've. Elsewhere, John Goodman is his usually reliable self.

The second movie of the "Monsterverse". I watched 2014's 'Godzilla' many years ago without knowing it was part of a wider universe. I didn't actually like that film all that much, looking back at clips etc. to refresh my memory I can see why. Thankfully, this 2017 entry to the franchise is a lot more enjoyable.