Definitely one of Howard Hawks' better collaborations with John Wayne. A reasonably strong story about a rancher and his family trying to defy an avaricious and violent Ed Asner ("Bart Jason") who is trying to take over everything he can. There are similarities with "Rio Bravo" (1959) but I think here there is more tangible chemistry between Wayne ("Thornton") and Robert Mitchum as the washed-up drunk of a sheriff (“JP Harrah"). James Caan brings some cheeky charm to his role as the shotgun-toting and poetry-spouting "Mississippi" and Arthur Hunnicutt takes on the reliable foil role (often played by Walter Brennan) entertainingly as "Bull" - complete with his bullet-dented bugle. As ever with these films, the leading ladies have virtually nothing to work with and this, for Charlene Holt ("Maudie"), is no exception. It features plenty of set-piece action scenes with both stars working well together and Caan adding a little mischief, too. Great fun.