movie backdrop

12 months ago


a review by FleshWound

A shallow, mediocre film that can't be saved by its fleeting moments of humor.

Zookeeper is about a low-confidence man who is looking for love and manages to keep messing things up. You'll be able to guess the plot within just a few minutes. ...and you'll be right, because it's incredibly predictable.

The flick is filled with crass/lowbrow humor and physical comedy that mostly falls flat, but it does have the occasional bright spot that is genuinely funny. Still, it's overshadowed by many more moments where it's just trying too hard, the gag is too stupid, the character is too cringey, and so on. There are multiple characters that are outright annoying and the longer you watch and the more you encounter these characters the more the entire experience just ends up feeling like a chore.

It doesn't offer much for adults, and there is enough lewd humor, cursing, and religious slurs in it that I wouldn't offer it to children either. This one's going in the rejects pile.