movie backdrop

11 months ago

Stand by Me

a review by Filipe Manuel Neto

A good film about the value of friendship and companionship.

This is one of those films that becomes adorable not only because of what it shows and tells us, but also because of the affective memories it awakens in us, or even because of the messages it brings and which it explains in its narrative. The value of friendships is a more than common theme in cinema, but perhaps this is one of the most paradigmatic and memorable films when the subject is precisely that.

Very consistently based on a book by Stephen King, the plot is simple: four young friends get together to find the corpse of a boy who disappeared, and set off on a long journey on foot that will take them through a series of obstacles and difficulties, and that will test the friendship and unity of the group. The matter itself ends up being quite irrelevant, no one cares about the dead boy. What matters is the journey of the four boys and the way they overcome difficulties, forgetting their differences and what eventually separates them. Each of them has their own sad story: broken homes, families with little structure, domestic violence, dramatic family losses (a father, an older brother…). In short, none of them is a boy born with a silver spoon or into a well-positioned family. And the film explores this very well, with inspired dialogue and absolutely believable and well-conceived situations.

Rob Reiner is a very effective director who knows very well what he wants. One of the points in which he shined most was in choosing the filming locations, designing the sets and reconstituting the period (the film takes place in the late 1950s, at the height of the post-war “American dream”): the director It really manages to transport us to the past and to magnificently designed and credible places. Another point he valued was the choice of actors for the four main characters. In addition to being a perfect fit in terms of age and physique, Corey Feldman, Jerry O’Connell, River Phoenix and Wil Wheaton are very talented and do their best with their characters and their material. Without the effort of these four young people, the film would not have the strength it has.

On a technical level, the film stands out for its good cinematography, the sets, costumes and props that I mentioned above, the choice of period cars and an excellent soundtrack, featuring some iconic melodies of the time.