Well, aside from a bit of a "Neighbours" reunion between Guy Pearce and Alan Dale, there's not really much to say about this film. Pearce is "Alex" who, with girlfriend "Kim" (Katie Holmes), has set up home in a stately pile where his daughter "Sally" (Bailee Madison) discovers an hitherto long sealed up cellar. Like most brats her age, she cannot leave well alone - despite warnings from the wary "Harris" (Jack Thompson) - a relative of the previous owner who disappeared under mysterious circumstances - and so soon she is reaping the rewards for her meddling. What now ensues reminded me of a well known Christmas film where you mustn't feed or water the baddies... Only this one comes with a load of frenetic screaming and hysteria that actually - especially the bath scene - had me praying for a quick, child-free, resolution to all of our problems. Guillermo del Toro may have written the screenplay, but in the hands of director Troy Nixey we are presented with a rather derivative storyline that isn't greatly served by a lacklustre Pearce and by the always over-rated Holmes whose acting career up a certain Creek really ought to have ended there. It's neither scary nor remotely original and the closing scenes elicited a far more menacing prospect than anything we see earlier. Might there be a sequel?? Sorry - one to watch and swiftly forget.