I've always had a soft spot for the Treadaway twins but even here, with Alan Ford doing his best Albert Finney impersonation as dad "Ray", this struggles to resonate. It's Harry ("Andy") and his best mate "Terry" (Rasmus Hardiker) who decide to assemble a gang to rob a bank. Ashley Thomas provides the muscle as the aptly named "Mental Mickey" and Michelle Ryan's "Katy" ain't no slouch either as their plans gradually take shape. What they don't account for, though, is the zombification of East London. Whether or not they successfully pull off their heist and avoid the police is secondary to their escaping an army of spellbound critters who have been bitten after an ancient graveyard was accidentally uncovered by a construction operation. Now these ketchup-sprayed monsters are persistent and there are thousands of them, so our gallant gang have to figure out a way to make it to the safety of a boat on the Thames before setting sail for? Canvey Island I suppose? Can they make it? This isn't a bad film, but it's hardly an original bone in it's body. There's a degree of chemistry between Treadaway and the quite entertaining Hardiker, but the rest of it is a distant sequel of "Shaun of the Dead" (2004) with an episode of "The Bill" thrown in for blue lights and good measure. It's clearly meant to be a spoof, and taken in that spirit it's a daft and predictable shoot 'em up that you'll never remember, but it does pass ninety minutes amiably enough.