movie backdrop

12 months ago


a review by BornKnight

Psychological thriller about a thief end up locked up into a (broken) intelligent rooftop in NY during a heist - directed by Vasilis Katsoupi (in his 2nd incursion as director after "My Friend Larry Gus") and written by Ben Hopkins (Lost in Karastan). So ok, both of them don't have anything good on their CV.

But I must say before anything that I don't think most reviews are just to this movie - he is actually good. Beside the plot he has some underlined themes as the value of art and some curious ways that art can be created. As a side extra the apartment had real art as art not props.

All we know that Willem Dafoe acts in very controversial pieces of art when he choses it and 100% of the movie is in motion by him. And as I said it have a message - just not expect a totally explained end (although I got it, and the after is of no concern what may frustrate some people).

As a whole I give this one a 7,0 out of 10,0 / B score.