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10 months ago

The Equalizer 3

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

Yesterday evening me and the kids, well the two boys at least, sat down to watch The Equalizer 3 which has been sitting on my to-watch shelf for a while.

I have quite liked the previous two instalments and this was was a quite good movie as well.

It starts of with a fairly brutal, The Equalizer style, slaying of a bunch of bad guys but then McCall gets shot in the back by a kid and goes into a bit of a funk.

The entire movie slows down quite a bit after that while McCall goes around moping. It was actually a bit boring and I could have been without that.

Still, McCall is McCall and the movie does pick up speed again after a while.

There are some quite nice action scenes as we approach the ending and the way McCall disposes of the bad guys towards the end is quite brutal.

When I saw that the movie had an R-rating in the states I thought, yeah right this is another one of these movies where they show a boob or two or use adult language and then the easily offended whiners go all must-be-restricted-bullshit over it but I guess it was because of the brutal slayings after all.

Still, in France it got a restricted from 12 years and below which is far from an R-rating and more reasonable. Guess we got less whining asshats here.

Overall a good movie though. Technically, the filming and the acting was very good. If not for the boring parts for almost half the movie it might have gotten a 5 out of 5 from me.